Peter Mauceri Peter Mauceri

January Trade Night

Once a month, we host a trade night where we open our doors for buying, selling, and trading. We welcome everyone from seasoned vintage collectors to people that are new to the game. Being able to host nights like these in our space brings us back to the roots of where we stared.

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Peter Mauceri Peter Mauceri

Fine & Dandy Pop Up

On November 15th, we held a pop-up with our Mid-Town neighbor and friend, @fineanddandyarchives. Enrique transformed the space with his unique curation of rare vintage pieces that blends well-worn clothing with his signature dapper styling and layering.

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Peter Mauceri Peter Mauceri

Onyx Pop Up

We held an exclusive closet sale featuring original pieces straight out of @fredro_starr’s personal collection. Not only did he bring personal pieces, he brought one of one items from Clockers, Sunset Park and other movies he appeared in over the years. Throughout the day, we were in the presence of legends including Fredro Starr, Sticky Fingaz, and even a surprise visit from Nardwaur.

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Peter Mauceri Peter Mauceri

VNTG CON Pre Party

In September, we kicked off the first VNTG CON with an unforgettable pre-party at #HommageNYC. The event brought in vintage lovers and collectors from all over the U.S along with people who supported us from day one.

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